
GCC Festive Bin Collection Dates

Due to the Christmas and New Year holidays, some of the bin collection dates will change. Please note the revised collection dates below.

Winter Newsletter

The Winter edition of our newsletter, Cathcart Standard is now available. You can view it here

Welcome Message

Cathcart & District Housing Association

Cathcart & District Housing Association (CDHA) provides housing and support services to tenants in the Cathcart and surrounding district areas. Our website will provide you with information about the services we offer and what's happening in your community.

We are here to help and support you with your housing and community needs.


Emergency Repairs

To report an emergency repair out with our office hours (including weekends and holiday periods) please refer to the below contact list.

  • Boiler and Gas Central Heating - 0800 595 595 (City Building)
  • Electrical Central Heating (91 and 99 Spean Street only) - 07976 962 560 or 07884 053 839 (Central Energy Plumbing)
  • For everything else, including electrical, joinery, plumbing, and roofing repairs - 0141 556 3500 (CLC All Trades).

It is important that you recognise these numbers are for genuine emergencies only such as loss of power, boiler breakdown, and burst pipes. Routine repairs can be reported during office hours on 0141 633 2779 (option 1).