Applying for a Home

To apply for one of our properties you can complete an application using our online portal below PLEASE ENSURE you upload photographs of your proof of name, address & national insurance number on the final page of the online application. If we do not receive the proof we will cancel your application after 6 months. If you cannot upload the evidence you can email photos of it to: OR post copies to us at: CDHA, 3-5 Rhannan Road, Glasgow, G44 3AZ.


To access our online portal please click here. This will direct you onto a new page where you can fill out an application for housing. PLEASE NOTE: You MUST upload proof of your name, address, national insurance number and 1 form of photo ID for everyone who will be moving with you over the age of 16 years (for anyone under 16, you must provide proof of their passport OR birth certificate). Your application will not be made live if these proofs are not provided (photographs of the proof can be uploaded on the last page of the application form). Once you have completed this, you will be given a reference number, which you can use for future enquries.


In order for your application to be processed and given the appropriate level of priority we require supporting documentary evidence.


The information we require is:

  • Photographic identification is required for the applicant and any joint applicant – documents such as passport or licence are acceptable
  • Proofs of residence for the applicant and any joint applicant – documents should be dated and have the current address.  Utility bills, Council Tax letters and other official letters are acceptable.
  • Proof of residence for every other person to be rehoused – documents should be dated and have the current address as above.
  • Proof of Birth Certificate or Passport for anyone under 16.
  • Pregnancy – if anyone included in the application is pregnant we require to see proof such as the Maternity Certificate which confirms the Expected Week of Confinement.
  • National Insurance Number – Documents such as DWP letters, National Insurance Card, wage slip are acceptable.

We would ask if you can upload the above documents on the "supporting documents" page at the end of the application.  If you are unable to upload these documents, please email these to quoting your reference number.


If this is not given, your application will not be made live and you will not receive any offers of housing from the Association.



For further information on our application process please visit: Find Accomodation