Following our consultation on the introduction of a new bulk uplift service to replace the former service provided by Glasgow City Council, the Association will introduce a new service.
From 1st April 2021, Cathcart & District Housing Association will add bulk uplift to our list of services that we provide.
Our contractor CleanScene will be carrying out the service and will be in the area every Tuesday and Wednesday.
CDHA tenants and factored owners can request an uplift by emailing We ask that you provide your address and a list of the bulky items requiring removal.
We are hoping that the implementation of this service will result in a significant improvement to our local area.
Our area will be divided into two. Each week half of our stock will have the bulk removed, and the second week the other half. In this way we hope that all bulk will be removed within two weeks of it being put out. Details of the two-week rota will be available in our Spring Newsletter. It is important however, that when you put it out you let us know using the above email address or calling our office.
Our tenant engagement team will be working on using the tenant portal for this purpose going forward as another way of reporting things to us and Allan and Grant will be in touch about this in the near future.
We will be seeking your feedback on this new service in order that we can monitor it and address any issues that arise.