Blockchain based on your income
The more connected community members are to each other, the more valuable their network becomes. Currently, private banks, rating agencies and central banks can decide based on some rules whom to credit money to. What is a Group? Chat with Us Circles is an open source community, and we are always looking for passionate contributors. Even for those who do not accept your currency directly, may accept it indirectly since they know they can use it to get goods or services from people.
With Circlesno credit score is needed. However, exchanges are is bi-directional between groups. Circles promotes cooperation and economic interaction by creating local trade networks. Chat with Us Circles is an open source community, blockchain based on your income we are always looking for passionate contributors. Groups are necessary to bring more stability into the system.
In our current monetary system new money is created when countries, cooperations, or individuals take a loan. One way to blockchain based on your income Circles is that as soon as you spend some of your coins with someone else you have debt to this person but you are not forced to pay it back. However — the theory of business cycles can be questioned in general with a basic income. People, cooperations and event countries could join into huge groups.
This makes it interesting for merchants to accept such group money. Berlin Basic Income Lab meetup. We are always seeking sponsors to offer a city, space, or resources for testing an implmentation of our basic income prototype.
Send us your email to keep in the know. Chat with Us Circles is an open source community, and we are always looking for passionate contributors. Credit is not approved based on rating of banks but fixed per person. Accepting money is all about network effects. Can I create fake accounts that all trust each other and blockchain based on your income the system?
Seigniorage refers to the profit made from the difference between the production costs and the value of money. It is in the responsibility of the groups themselves to keep them tight on the one hand to not dilute the value, but on the other hand have a positive blockchain based on your income effect. This makes it interesting for merchants to accept such group money. We will always respect your privacy and will never share you information with outside parties. In traditional debt-based currencies one sells goods, borrows money, or invests working blockchain based on your income to receive money.
Even for those who do not accept your currency directly, may accept it indirectly since they know they can use it to get blockchain based on your income or services from people. As Circles is a credit-based currency that costs almost nothing to create, you will retain almost all of this value as first spender. However, a quick glance at the level of US national debt shows that this debt will also never be paid back.
If you are interested in participating or want to follow our progress, please join our chat room. Circles is an open source community, and we are always looking for passionate contributors. We are building something incredible.
In our current monetary system new money is created when countries, cooperations, or individuals take a loan. Seigniorage Seigniorage refers to the profit made from blockchain based on your income difference between the production costs and the value of money. Currently, private banks, rating agencies and central banks can decide based on some rules whom to credit money to. Holding coins of a specific person always carries a certain risk.