Bitcoin web based wallet
We process payments in the browser so we only have an encrypted version of your private keys on our server. We've been securing our clients Bitcoins like this since Sleep easy knowing that you have a print out of all your Bitcoin funds encrypted and in your control. You can buy Bitcoins from our trusted sellers and have them delivered directly to one of your secure addresses. Copyright - StrongCoin. Strong coin is a hybrid bitcoin wallet Encryption is done in the browser before your Bitcoin keys are saved on our servers.
Use what we've built to write your own projects! See our documention coming soon , or contribute at github. Use a segwit address instead of a regular address. Enable RBF on all transactions, allowing you to manually raise the transaction fee later if required.
Logout Welcome to your wallet, enjoy your stay! Any keys used you will need to manually store safely as they will be needed later to redeem the bitcoins. Public keys can be generated in your browser or from your bitcoin client. Enter the public keys of all the participants, to create a multi signature address. Maximum of 15 allowed. Compressed and uncompressed public keys are accepted.
This script should be saved and should be shared with all the participants before a payment is made , so they may validate the authenticity of the address, it will also be used later to release the bitcoins.
Enter the public key that will be able to unlock the funds after the a certain date. Enter the date and time or blockheight required to release the coins:. Clear existing inputs when new inputs are loaded. When using this option you may enter a hex string or address into the address field on the output tab. The locktime indicates the earliest time a transaction can be added to the block chain.
Make this a RBF transaction. The settings page can be used to select alternative networks of which you can retrieve your unspent outputs and broadcast a signed transaction into. The transaction below has been generated and encoded. It can be broadcasted once it has been signed. This page will give you a guide on the lowest fee to use to get your transaction included within the next few blocks.
It works by predicting the size of a transaction and comparing it to another transaction in a recent block to determine an appropriate fee. This is based on us comparing your transaction against a very recent transaction found in a very recent block. Based on your data and this recently mined transaction we recommend a fee of 0. Enter the raw transaction, redeem script, pubkey, hd address or wif key to convert it into a readable format that can be verified manually.
The above redeem script has been decoded. The above script has been decoded. The above public key has been encoded to its address. The key has been decoded. Once you have verified a transaction you can sign and then broadcast it into the network. This may seem like a confusing sea of options, and differentiating between the different providers can get complicated. But it is not necessary to choose just one.
Most bitcoin users have several wallets, to cover a variety of different needs. I have three, two of them web-based Coinbase and Blockchain and one mobile version Blockchain, for now.
The three options covered here are especially useful for frequent transactions. With a few taps or clicks you can send bitcoin to any other wallet, move funds amongst your own, or purchase more to top up your holdings. These wallets do, however, imply a trade-off between ease of access and level of security. They are easier to use, but not as secure as some other more complex options. For more on how Bitcoin works, see Bitcoin Basics.
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