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Below is a screenshot with the actual Robot you will get after the purchase. Allow me to introduce my latest and best Forex software created to help you make money through Forex faster, totally automated, working 24 hours a day, trading as you relax or rest. Now the new Version 7 is more user friendly.
That said, you can also lose lots of money. But occasionally even 10 or 20 pips in just up to 60 seconds. So watch the trades carefully, since you might even not notice them! Those two parameters are very unique. Then there was Version 5 that was even even better and faster.
Leverage creates additional risk and loss exposure. As you can see from the results on different accounts the profits and accuracy vary depending on the broker. Never gets excited when it makes big trades, or annoyed when it makes small trades or loses! Just a matter of finding right brokers and parameters.
A very good question! That said, you can also lose lots of money. Next step was Version 4, which could make profits with ECN brokers. Below is a screenshot with the actual Robot you will get after the purchase.
Forex requires hard work and patience to be successful. Nowhere else can you watch real-time trades happening at the moment they are placed and closed!!! This is a well-known and publicized statistic.
So watch the trades carefully, since you might even not notice them! However, it is also possible to trade other pairs with low spreads, e. Now I can finally pursue my hobbies, travel around Asia and spend more time with my girl-friend. The more you have, the more you want, right?
Usually no more complicated than going to Las Vegas all excited with some cash in your pocket and little common sense or skill in your head! Now I can finally pursue my hobbies, travel around Asia and spend more time with my girl-friend. For example, they will isolate and highlight a specific 3 or even 6 consecutive months period that the Forex trading Robot made money.