Usitech automated systems for bitcoin trading
And Bitcoin continues to grow by leaps and bounds. We offer the opportunity for you to get a piece of the pie -- regardless of your skillset or the size of your bank account. Our automated trading system provides access to the most liquid market in the world with excellent profits for ANYONE. Our experienced team of specialists is constantly optimizing the existing parameters of our software and exploring new strategies to guarantee long-term success.
Join Through this Link and Earn Alot.. I plan to join eventually. Why don't I join now? Well because I joined the other company similar to this. It is called Bitconnect but many people prefer USI because the owners are very transparent. People actually know who owns and runs this operation. On one hand, you have the Forex trading software that you can use to make money from stocks.
Each entity works separately from the other. So if you want to use just the trading software you can. Or if you want to just earn money recruiting other members, you can do that too. The third option is to utilize both systems and earn as much as you can. It may earn you lots of money and be spot on. The only real way to know for sure is to get the system and give it a try yourself. Granted, like gambling, the stocks and currencies that are traded are constantly going up and down.
Looking at the matrix system is where the red flags start popping up all over the place. The first major red flag is linked to the recruiting. The system seems to be set up where only those who have three or more people signed up under them will win. Since it is mandatory for an affiliate to have at least three people signed up to even qualify for the matrix seems like a huge problem.
The second major red flag is the price tag associated with USI-Tech. The fact that there is no name or legit address associated with this site is just begging for problems.
You may want to hold off on signing up to USI-Tech. You won't find any retail products. What you will find however is an automated trading system specifically designed for the MT4 trading platform.
As stated on the site, anyone can install the system through the step by step process. Unfortunately, though the system is only available to those who sign up and become a member of the site.
Affiliates are paid in two ways, 1 residually commissions and 2 direct commissions. The matrix system is set up with you being the man on the top. Then you go out and recruit three people to be directly under you. From there, your three recruits find three people of their own and so on and so forth. The system allows you to build a downline of up to , people. This price allows you access to the Forex trading software. It also allows you to start recruiting other people if you want to earn money with the matrix system.
You don't have to recruit people if you don't want to, but the option is there for those who do. When you use the software that is provided by USI-Tech, you are charged a fee.
The broker commission is never constant and changes month to month depending on how many recruits use the system. There are a lot of red flags that come up when looking at this site.