Mike hearn blockchain wallet
This indicates to the rest of the network that you support updating the limit. Bitcoin XT supports configuring the maximum size of blocks to mine. When set your node will not create blocks larger than the limit, although it will still accept them. By running Bitcoin XT you take no risks: If enough does, you will follow the new chain and things will continue as normal. Additionally, XT has a useful feature: By running XT you help propagate information about double spends across the network, making it harder for payment fraudsters to steal from sellers by broadcasting two conflicting transactions simultaneously.
Get in touch via our chatroom on Gitter. What we stand for The XT mission statement defines what the project believes is important: Scaling the network up to handle user demand is important , even if that means the network changes along the way.
It's what Satoshi wanted and the idea of a global system used by ordinary people is what motivated many of us to join him. XT provides people with information they need , even if using it requires them to make risk based decisions. We believe unconfirmed transactions are important.
Many merchants want or need to accept payments within seconds rather than minutes or hours. XT accepts this fact and does what it can to minimize the risk, then help sellers judge what remains. It is committed to the first seen rule. We will not adopt changes that make unconfirmed transactions riskier. Lightweight wallets are important. Most users cannot or will not run a fully verifying node.
Most of the world population does not even own a computer: These users must sacrifice some security in order to participate, so XT supports whatever technical tradeoffs wallet developers wish to explore.
Decision making is quick and clear. Decisions are made according to a leadership hierarchy. But luckily one of the open source projects I had worked on was Windows emulation for Linux desktop, so I had experience in making Windows apps work on other kinds of computers.
After playing with the code a bit, I sent Satoshi a lot of questions and we had a long series of discussions where I asked him all kinds of really basic things. There was nothing else back then: What did you want to know? I just thought it was cool and played around with it. There was a mailing list, and that was it. So I just played around with bitcoin for a few days. What happened to make you start paying attention to bitcoin again? The WikiLeaks blockade happened! So I went online and had a look again, and by this point bitcoin had developed a small community: There was a forum where people were posting, there was even an exchange rate.
You could buy socks with bitcoin. I had lost them. So I met up with someone at a bar in Zurich to buy some more, but there were no smartphone wallets then, we both had to bring our laptops, connect to wi-fi; it took five or six minutes just to log onto the network. We had a beer while we waited. This needs to be instant. So I worked on it. It was one of the first re-implementations of bitcoin ever done. Those people would have just invented a way to send cash over the internet and left it at that.
Now what else can I add? My mind was blown away by how big, how far in advance Satoshi was thinking… I kept encountering things in the code that were just there, without any explanation. One of those things you encountered was smart contracts — which computer scientist Nick Szabo first wrote about in — where contractual clauses including for physical property rights can be facilitated through computing.
How did you come across that for bitcoin? He continued emailing with me and Gavin [Andresen, Chief Scientist at the Bitcoin Foundation to whom Nakamoto handed over the network alert key] for a few months after he stopped posting publicly.
But eventually he disappeared for everyone. How would you contrast bitcoin and Satoshi Nakamoto to, say, Linux, where the chief architect of the kernel Linus Torvalds was also the project coordinator? Both bitcoin and Linux also have non-profit foundations behind them to help foster growth and technical collaboration.
A lot of the software a lot, not all of it in the bitcoin space is open source. I think the open source aspects of bitcoin and Linux are pretty similar in many ways: As for the Bitcoin Foundation, it was actually created pretty early on. I know you worked on desktop Linux which was a flashpoint for a lot of heated discussions before! But I was profoundly affected by that experience!
I put a lot of work into desktop Linux, as did many other people. So when I began working on bitcoin, I did a lot of soul searching before ramping up my involvement.
The difference was that this time I was in a position to help influence things. Any lessons can we draw for bitcoin, or open source in general? So the open-source-ness and the free-ness of the software become the end instead of a means to an end.