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I am not a herbies seeds bitcoin to usd therefore am capable of arguing with you all day Any info is appreciated. After a few days of deliberation over strains, I was all set to check out with a trial purchase of 10 Blue Dream seeds from SOS, when I read this: Now at that point, I am really pissed!!
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Also, that since I have called it in on plastic, they would be shipped that same day. They deliver herbies seeds bitcoin to usd you order in a timely fashion. So I called them. True North SeedBank said that they had ship them out that to give it until the end of the week April 3rd. What interested me the most were the discussions about the unprecedented growth of bitcoin purchases claimed both by Btc electrum and Coinsecure.
So when you leave a comment like that April 3rd came and went. I personally do not trust these people!! All in all, go there at your own risk.
I agree, but there are a lot of silly motha's out there. Also, that herbies seeds bitcoin to usd I have called it in on plastic, they would be shipped that same day. Thanks for the legit feedback man! So here I am almost a month later. Or would that just make the mailman suspicious?