Bitcoin corejust made a move to splitbitcoin again by opposing segwit2x the cryptoverse
Learn how to make money with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies at: So when people say that the markets are governed by greed and fear, you can see for yourself how true this is.
Dash Detailed is a weekly YouTube show about the privacy focused digital currency known bitcoin corejust made a move to splitbitcoin again by opposing segwit2x the cryptoverse Dash. It is hosted by the lovely Amanda B.
Johnson and keeps you right up to date about all the exciting developments in the Dash ecosystem. So what will happen to btc bitcoin corejust made a move to splitbitcoin again by opposing segwit2x the cryptoverse into SW simple wallet like Multibit or Bread wallet?
Cryptoverse I think your explanation of nodes, opposing or agreeing with SegWit2x, was incorrect. This link shows the nodes run by everyone: I may be wrong. Now from what I understand, miners are also nodes, but with added functionality within the network right? Which one of these two variables is the one that determines "consensus" or "majority" for one way or another?
I'm a little confused on this particular point. Would love to hear your oppinion on it. This small patch won't affect anything. The network was already going to split the first time someone running a 2x node produced a block that is too big for the core consensus rules, and which point all core nodes would disconnect from the violating nodes.
This just makes this process more efficient on the network level. I don't understand all the haters. Well, I do, but I dont get them. This is the Truch, its upto everyone what, or how to deal with the truth. Will this come on Nov 1 automatically if we hold BTC? The Cryptoverse — stop spreading FUD: Used to enjoy your channel and info. This FUD has cost you credibility. Your viewers should find more credible sources.
World Crypto Network or Bitcoin Meister. Any negativity you are getting is due to your selling out. Too bad, won't be tuning in anymore. Check out Linda plz, it's so cheap right now — great way to make x return over the next month. Don't forget, it's called divide and conquer, and I feel that this is happening to BTC. Thank you for bitcoin corejust made a move to splitbitcoin again by opposing segwit2x the cryptoverse information how a user can influence the decision.
All this point to the largest weakness of Bitcoin. Ordinary people who just like to use Bitcoin as a currency to spend for goods and services don't understand all these things. So the majority of people stay away from it. At least for now, but things getting complicated even further. No one from core agreed to S2X, they signed nothing, the meeting happened without them.
Thanks for your work! Can you give us a long-term price prediction for BTC? Where do you think it will be by say, the last mining block? Is there a safe way to put money in a paper wallet. All my computers have been on the internet so I can't transfer money to my bit address wallet safely. People new to Bitcoin, who don't know the history of exchanges, should know they should never leave BTC on any of them.
Great commentary and wise advice for all — unexpected news will always mess with pure tech trading unless you're on a fast exchange, you understand day trading strategies and you've got the right software and a fast computer and connection — otherwise, if you're in this for the long haul it's not so bad. My main concern with BTC is the slow pace of SEGWIT — BU resolution — this will impact BTC over time more than any other fundamental — it also will delay true adoption as a medium of value exchange or day-to-day commerce and that's where the real value lies for any cryptocurrency — right now cryptos are great for currency trading and speculation —.
Why was everyone in shock? The PBOC gave a full day warning, just like last month. By the way, I signed up with this company from your advertising, so will be sending you some Bitcoin Tips soon, for the recommendation. That is why Litecoin needs to implement Segwit, test bitcoin corejust made a move to splitbitcoin again by opposing segwit2x the cryptoverse out then have Bitcoin follow suit.
How do you put a stop loss if your bitcoin is not on an exchange? Does it really work already? I can't see anything about stop loss on it …. Well, you set yourself up for explaining any big moves day to day, given that you highlight and start out every video with charts and daily actions.
Your audience is obviously mostly people who trade daily or speculate long term with holding lots of bitcoin. So like when a drop does happen, your subscribers will come to you for the news on it. You're just tired of the drops happening. But getting tired of covering the news when it does happen, well, uhm, getting tired of the job you setup for yourself, lol? Which is the best site to trade bit coin? I have Coinbase, but I think the spreads are too just big to do daytradings.
Chris, how is it that SegWit support can actually decrease from the day before? I don't get it. Can you do a video on the Japanese accepting bitcoin as legal tender?
It might have a huge effect on bitcoin prices. You must be logged in to post a comment. Log in to Reply. This just gives ethereum and neo more reason to replace and overtake bitcoin. I don't know if you talk too slow or with too many pauses or what… but stop it. All of these splits should have been done years ago.
More money created out of splitting. I was worried about a possible split in November. Hey different shirt today Blue. Awesome video, a non-biased analysis of the situation.
So can you set automatic buys and sells based on price triggers? So what's going to happen once those 2 exchanges allow withdraws again in a month?
I hope segwit will never get accepted. Bitcoin Unlimited is way better alternative. Hello guys, one question, do you think Bitfinex is safe? Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. This site uses cookies:
On today's episode of The Cryptoverse: Learn how to make money with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies at: Request a video topic here https: My Social Channels Steemit: Here are a few services I recommend: Book a private consultation with me https: Makes me keep my bitcoin corejust made a move to splitbitcoin again by opposing segwit2x the cryptoverse and transactions in the stability of litecoin.
Where does Lightning play in all this? I thought the whole point was to lower transaction time and fees. Is that being accomplished by any of this? Bitcoin Core developers want to implement the Lightning network and keep the block size small so as to let as many people as possible to run full nodes. They completely oppose a 2MB increase not only because of centralization fears, but also because it's too rushed.
If you'd like to read more about this, check out this post I've made on what's next for Bitcoin. I've been into Bitcoin for a year now and I am sick and tired of this Bitcoin Civil War you spoke of.
While the drama and struggle between groups keeps things interesting, it is anything but professional. I believe it is high time for this Bitcoin community to begin acting as professionals and pull together for the strength of Bitcoin and not apart. For my part I am going to start by making sure I run a wallet compatible with Segwit2x, and then start leaving positive pro-professional conduct comments on YouTube channels like "The Bitmeister" encouraging these creators to stop the name calling and civil war rabble rousing, and start getting back to serious coverage of what is going on in the world of Bitcoin and why.
Thanks for your observations marketingmonk. This video struck a chord in me. This will increase FUD in the community again, not neccesarily a bad thing. Alot of knowledgeable investors will take any dips and capitalize, increasing their portfolio size by leaps and bounds. Segwit 2x increased blocksize could happen after segwit, but no guarantees.
I think users will use the Bitcoin Core version that priotises usability and functionality over mining profits. If Core do fork it would be a great thing as it would prove bitcoin's democratic feature.
On the one hand, another split may result in even more free money. On the other hand, another split may hinder mass adoption, bitcoin corejust made a move to splitbitcoin again by opposing segwit2x the cryptoverse ruining the whole foundation of bitcoin. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
Thanks for the link, will check out your post! Awesome comment, thanks for that! This makes me sick! The cryptoworld is becoming a joke! Thanks for the videos, I've been watching on YT and glad to see you on Steem! Glad to see you too. I'll just leave this here for you to ponder about.