General blockchain unconfirmed transactions
Add an optional description for your transaction. Your password has been reset. Sadly I too am joinng this pool.
Click the link to create a password, then come back here and sign in. Sadly I too am joinng this pool. Do they actually have a support service? BTC Market customer service is non general blockchain unconfirmed transactions. Signed in as Sign out.
I have also not heard from their customer service team. Thanks BTC my transaction has just appeared. Regular fees are lower, but transactions can take over an hour to confirm.
It's now been 5 days and my BTC transaction is still unconfirmed. Click on Send and select Bitcoin from the Currency drop-down menu. I have general blockchain unconfirmed transactions this problem as well I got this response a few hours after I complained Hi, The Bitcoin network is currently experiencing record high traffic resulting in longer confirmation times for transactions.
Status is still 'unconfirmed transaction' in blockchain after 4 days. BTC transactions are remaining unconfirmed because of the low mining fee used by BTC Markets which customers are unable to adjust! Transaction Stuck and Unconfirmed for 7 days now. Add an optional description for your transaction.
Regular fees are lower, but transactions can take over an hour to confirm. It would be much better if the transactions were allowed to drop off the network and return to the BTC Markets wallet where they originated. Has anyones BTC withdrawl suddenly processed? Is the my transaction going to appear general blockchain unconfirmed transactions I tried CPFP with a higher fee and now it is stuck as well.
Can you please provide some information for your customers who cannot access their BTC: Click on Send and select Bitcoin from the Currency drop-down menu. BTC transactions are remaining general blockchain unconfirmed transactions because of the low mining fee used by BTC Markets which customers are unable to adjust! Still no change sadly and looks like no change to the 'Spent'.
We have made changes to increase our security and have general blockchain unconfirmed transactions your password. From the Transaction Fee drop-down menu, choose either a Regular or Priority fee. It's now been 5 days and my BTC transaction is still unconfirmed. If you have another issue not regarding the above, we ask that you please respond to this message with all relevant information and wait patiently for a member of the Support Team to respond.
Sadly I too am joinng this pool. I think the blame lands on BtC not allowing us to amend our own sat rate. What can i do? Please be aware of this before lodging a support ticket regarding an unconfirmed transaction, as once a transaction has been processed it cannot be canceled.