Ethereum linux distro
Lightdm was causing some issues. Strap the cards in windows environment up, then put them back into your ubuntu rig. Hello, I believe this would work for me if I could just get the right download. The author abandoned ethereum linux distro months ago, so improvements are unlikely.
February 25, ethereum linux distro 1: I just got my ethereum linux distro rig hashing for the first time on ubuntu the way I had imagined and hoped it would. Everything was back to normal and my machine set not to update automatically. The reason for this is two-fold: I followed your guide step by step and all is well except for when I start the miner I get this error:.
Strap the cards in windows environment up, then put them back into your ubuntu rig. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The Xubuntu installer should appear. Hello, I believe this would work for me ethereum linux distro I could just get the right download.
Linux Setup RoscoeP says: February 20, at I followed your guide step by step and all is well except for when I start the miner I get this error:. I used this guide a while back, then ethereum linux distro to go back to Windows. Segmentation fault core dumped.
I theorize instilling an old version of Ubuntu You can fire up your miner by typing: When the installation is complete, you should automatically boot into the Xubuntu desktop. Optimization Categories Deals Guides Hardware Mining News Uncategorized Tags altcoins bbc bitcoin btc cgminer cgwatcher claymore cnet coinbase coinlab colbert DIY dwolla environment eth ethereum forbes fork guide hack hardware how-to khan academy linux litecoin ltc mcxnow mining money mtgox notroll. Notify me of follow-up comments by email.