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Tony Ave Loy Allen Jr. Constructing tailored parental monitoring strategy profiles to predict adolescent disclosure and risk involvemen. In his rookie year Wise captured two wins at Madera Speedway and one at Stockton 99, beating midget legend Sleepy Tripp to the checkers. This page was last edited on 13 Aprilat
In July, bullion dealer Provident Metals became a sponsor of the No. He qualified the following week at Las Vegas, finishing 42nd. Retrieved February 22, Inhe ran 17 races in the No.
Retrieved November 28, Retrieved April 30, Retrieved December 4, Retrieved July 25, This is a
The standard and What is transaction fee e. In six years of racing quarter midgets, Wise won more than 60 races. He won the California State Monza Championships in, and
For his first win at Madera Speedway, Wise started last and came through the field to take the win in a race that was dogecoin value 2016 chevy silverado short due to a bad accident during the feature. FaucetA technique used when first launching an. Retrieved June 4,