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How are they making decisions about what content stays up and what content comes down? Are they taking down too much, or not enough? And what role does AI play in this process? The Summit will also feature workshops on the legal framework surrounding content moderation, machine-assisted content analysis and law enforcement cooperation. The COMO Summit is a collaborative effort among a group of think tanks, non-profits, academic institutions, and trade associations that are committed to content moderation practices that maximize free expression and personal liberty while maintaining a civil society.
Follow the event online blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments comoatscalecomoatscale. Blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments competition was unprecedented in terms of sheer participation as well as in geographical and diversity statistics. The Blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments App Challenge CACwhich has become the most prestigious prize in student app competitions, more than doubled in terms of participation over the previous year, and nine new states across the country were represented.
In the course of three short years, the CAC, which is an official initiative of the U. House of Representatives, has achieved what no other initiative has blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments able to do: We thought you should know about the amazing stats from the CAC detailed below. This past year, the CAC increased state participation by almost 30 percent. The 40 states in dark blue represent those that participated in the district-wide competitions in The CAC outpaced the tech industry by reaching out to a wide range of students in terms of gender, race, ethnicity and geography.
The following unprecedented growth is due to the CAC footprint, which included US congressional districts. The Congressional App Challenge invites winners from across the country to demo their apps to the Members of Congress and members of the tech community at HouseOfCode, a reception on Capitol Hill to be held on April 12, blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments At HouseOfCode the winners are recognized by blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments Representative in Congress and their apps are put on display in the Capitol Building.
The Congressional App Challenge is an official initiative of the U. House of Representatives to encourage kids to learn how to code, through annual district-wide competitions hosted by Members of Blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments for their district. Students in participating districts code original applications for the blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments to be selected for recognition by their Member of Congress, win prizes, and have their app put on display in the Capitol Building blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments Washington, DC.
The Challenge is executed by the Congressional staff of each participating district. It is initiated blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments the Congressional Internet Caucus and coordinated by the Internet Education Foundation, the blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments non-governmental sponsor.
While our name has changed, we will continue our heralded educational program for Congressional tech staffers on Capitol Hill. Our blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments name better reflects the nature of the baseline, educational Internet policy curriculum that we have executed for decades. This is our new logo: We look forward to host balanced briefings on timely Internet policy issues on a regular basis. You will still recognize the consistent quality and relevance of the program.
We will also continue audio podcasting our events as we have done for over a decade. Below are links to past video livestreams on both Facebook and YouTube. We look forward to seeing you at the next briefing. Below is a blog post by her describing her summer in DC.
Thank you so much, Rebecca! The last 12 months of living in D. It has sometimes been challenging spending a year in D. Here are the three reasons why every young professional should intern in D. Passionate people from around the world come to D. Fortunately, everyone took time to share their expertise and perspective with the interns, and helped us see how to become the leaders we wish to be.
I found that other leaders in D. As a Google Fellow, the executive director of IEF, Tim Lordan, gave me the same freedom to start and develop my own large-scale project and encouraged me to take initiative rather than cautioning me against it. Influential people are infinitely more accessible in Washington D.
I even had the opportunity to directly ask President Obama blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments his advice on leadership, which is a moment that will blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments with me forever. I stood backstage with then Blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments Julian Castro and my boss from the White House as they prepared to give their remarks up on stage about rural broadband connectivity; sat front row as President Obama and Leonardo DiCaprio discussed the climate change and its future threat to our society; walked and talked with five different ambassadors down West Executive Drive about current happenings in their countries; stood in front of the Capitol as the transfer blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments power was passed from President Obama to President Trump.
Every young professional can come here and have the same experience. Life-changing opportunities come with the right person, place, and time, and this city is an amazing catalyst in that equation. One connection has evolved into many, each providing insight into my strengths, weaknesses, and which direction I want to go into in my near and far future. If you are looking for an intellectually challenging environment to grow as a leader and person, Washington, D.
It is a place where I felt that I could make a difference and where a difference was made within me. The Internet Education Foundation is seeking an experienced, energetic and dynamic Program Director to lead one of its projects, the Congressional App Challenge. The position is based in Washington, D.
The Congressional App Challenge CAC is a young, nationwide effort aimed at encouraging students to learn how to code, through localized app challenges hosted by Members of Congress. More details blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments the CAC below. The Program Director position will be responsible for blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments execution blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments the Congressional App Challenge, including: These include, but are not limited to: In the last 2 years, nearly 4, students have participated in blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments across 33 states — and the program is growing in popularity.
The Program Director will need to establish new data management protocols to protect the information of thousands of students, connect congressional offices with pertinent organizations, and more. A background in grant applications and foundation fundraising is a bonus. Blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments Program Director must use communications tools and strategies to recruit student participation and stakeholder support in pockets all across America.
This role will require raising awareness of the project through social media, email marketing campaigns, personalized communications, and frequent public speaking under a variety of conditions.
Manage A Growing Team: Currently, the primary CAC consists of a full-time Program Manager, several part-time consultants, and several blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments and volunteers. As the program grows, the Program Director will need to establish hiring criteria and processes, manage onboarding, blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments oversee a growing team. The most important quality a program manager must bring to the table, is a passion for addressing the tech talent gap, and promoting equity and equality in the tech community.
Launched in latethe Congressional Blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments Challenge operates in the intersection of Congressional politics, technology policy, and 21st century workforce development. The program is a joint effort between the Internet Education Foundation and the House of Representatives. Winners are announced in December during Computer Science Education Week, and the Challenge concludes blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments HouseOfCode, a reception and demo day held in Washington DC in the spring, which student from around the country travel to, to showcase their award-winning apps.
In two cycles, the CAC has executed successful challenges, and has grown blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments a point that now requires an experienced project manager to take the program to the next level.
The Congresswoman spoke to the students about her experience working in both tech and policy realms, and encouraged them to make a difference in the world by pursuing their passions. Check out the video, here! Skip ahead to the 22 minute mark to get to the programming. After leaving Microsoft, the students and their families headed to Capitol Hill to visit the Capitol Building display that features the CAC-winning apps. HouseOfCode featured students from 51 Congressional Districts and 22 states.
Over supporters of computer science education attended HouseOfCode in total. Ed Royce and Seth Moulton announced their successors: In less than two years, the Congressional App Challenge has reached nearly 4, students in 33 states. Congressional offices have hosted successful challenges, and received the submission of nearly original, student-coded apps. The success of the Congressional App Challenge has been made possible thanks to the widespread bipartisan congressional support for the program, and thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and partners.
Find more information the Google Policy Fellowship Program. The Internet Education Foundation is proud to partner with Vocativa cutting edge media and technology company, for the Snowden Effect series of events. This media partnership will lead to significant exposure for both the series and the tech policy issues raised by it.
Privacy and Security reporter, will be moderating our final Snowden Effect event on October 28th covering government surveillance. Each event is hosted by one of three IEF projects. For more about the Snowden Effect series, our blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments event, and audio and video recordings of our previous blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments events, check out our special minisite. The Internet Education Foundation invites you to….
Throughnews outlets and social media poured out wave after wave of articles detailing classified government programs with names like PRISM, MonsterMind, Bulk Collection, and Boundless Informant. The scope of the programs revealed was breathtaking. Internet companies and other world leaders publicly expressed outrage when documents showed that private communications had been compromised.
This had immediate ripple effects in business, government, and our national security. The revelations have lead to a repositioning of global partnerships, a deeper conversation about the blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments of government, a thorough reexamination at our fundamental rights, liberties and principles, and a sober realization that the world may not be as safe a place as we would like it to be.
We will announce our panelists shortly. Tuesday, September 27th, The Internet Education Foundation is a c 3 non-profit organization blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments by public interest groups, corporations, and associations representative of the diversity of the Internet community. The mission of blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments IEF is to assure informed policymaking on Internet-related issues within both government and the private sector, promote the Internet as a valuable medium for democratic participation, communications, and commerce, and educate the public about the challenges and problems presented by the Internet medium and offer potential solutions.
With a passion for technology policy and a love of blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments Internet, Blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments hopes to be able to continue the impactful work done by previous Google Fellows at IEF. Follow him morar and us netedfound on Twitter. Monday, May 7,8: Geographical Participation This past year, the CAC increased state participation blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments almost 30 percent. Geographic Footprint of the Congressional App Challenge.
It foreshadows the strength of the future of the U. Attendees listen to panel blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments on blockchain hackathon dcurbanmoments neutrality.