Bitcoin mining ubuntu vs windows server 2012 r2
You could do the same with windows I suppose. Ubuntu or Windows for mining ETH? Windows 7 or 8. Just my experience, praesto Btw, the title of this thread wasn't whats the best OS for free, the op was just asking opinions on a OS choice
Post edited by Klintistwood on September Buy windows 10 on ebay for May edited May Just my experience, praesto Btw, the title of this thread wasn't whats the best OS for free, the op was just asking opinions on a OS choice By far the easiest to setup an run, especially if your running more than 4 or 5 cards is SimplemingOS.
I also didn't want to pay money for something that I didn't already own which may or may not work. February in Mining. It looks like you're new here.
After a lot more tinkering in Bitcoin mining ubuntu vs windows server 2012 r2 I got things up to Windows can be a bit buggy ie; this latest WIN 10 forced update crap but to me it has the most flexibility for a novice, plus more software support, plus I can triple mine on my rigs under Windows. I tried it again in the last month or so, upgraded to the latest version at the time, still a PITA to configure. No difference with hash rates between the 2 on my end, so I went with Windows as it's also running other miners sha and scripts, so it's easier for me.
Goto the website frontend and setup whatever you want to mine. With linux you can make a headless system, so it gets disturbed less and hashes more over time, than if you're mining with your desktop. Windows can be a bit buggy ie; this latest WIN 10 forced update crap but to me it has the most flexibility for a novice, plus more software support, plus I can triple mine on my rigs under Windows.
The other problem you have with anything like simple mining is they get you hooked and then once your used to the product or locked in via an update they will start charging, and unless you have all the time to reconstruct your work you will be in a pickle with no options!!!!!! Can you take photo of the overclock settings? I tried EthOS v1 when it first came out, fought with it for almost a month to bitcoin mining ubuntu vs windows server 2012 r2 the same hash as I was getting on a Win 7 machine. If you think that's the easiest, then try SimplemingOS, that'll blow your mind and it's free for now. Goto the website frontend and setup whatever you want to mine.
The other problem you have with anything like simple mining is they get you hooked and then once your used to the product or locked in via an update they will start charging, and unless you have all the time to reconstruct your work you will be in a pickle with no options!!!!!! Ubuntu or Windows for mining ETH? I use Xubuntu and am currently having an 8 gpu setup on it.
Anybody could use that, even someone who doesn't know Linux at all. It also depends on how many GPU you want to use. May edited May
I also didn't want to pay money for something that I didn't already own which may or may not work. It seems more stable under windows while overclocked. EthOS is the easiest solution. That is what builds the community for the forum, we will agree to disagree there. Goto the website frontend and setup whatever you want to mine.
That is what builds the community for the forum, we will agree to disagree there. The other problem you have with anything like simple mining is they get you hooked and then once your used to the product or locked in via an update they will start charging, and unless you have all the time to reconstruct your work you will be in a pickle with no options!!!!!! Sign In or Register to comment.