Mining scrypt bitcoin botnets
The botnet was investigated by ProofPoint, a security company, which conducted an operation to estimate the size of its network. At its peak, Smominru had infected more than , Windows servers, with the majority of infected machines located in Russia, India and the Republic of China Taiwan. Windows servers are most vulnerable as targets, the ProofPoint report explained, as they are always switched on unlike PCs and have more processing power than PCs.
At least 25 of the host servers infected by Smominru have been used to further the scope of the network using EternalBlue to spread the script to other computers with publically available IP addresses. A Monero mining script, Coinhive, was found to be operating on 2. Meanwhile, amid concerns about the volatile value of cryptocurrencies and moves by national and international leaders to regulate trading , Lloyds Banking Group has banned the purchase of Bitcoin with credit cards.
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