The bitcoin group 132bitcoin etf denied fullnodes better than gold bitcoin unlimited
Would you like to support The Bitcoin Group? Tone,Antpool is open to the public I was just mining there last week until I transferred to slush because they allow miners to vote for segwit. Im not sure why 21co isn't open to public because there in cali and I would rather be on American pool because of greater decentralization. So if any of you guys know them or have the coding knowledge to setup usa pool that would be killer.
Bitfury is a private mining pool for there own gear and there pro segwit. Bitfury make there own asic chips and miners.
They do sell to the public but there miners are mega they sell them in complete turn key cargo containers. Don't know why you guys are all so proud that you predicted what everybody knew would happen… too much back-patting….
I will smoke the bitcoin group 132bitcoin etf denied fullnodes better than gold bitcoin unlimited hopium for the next one with you! Tone says it right. BTC is permission-less, why would you want to be in a regulated environment. Wow, that's a shock. Tone is so informed on crypto that it's a surprise when he's obviously uninformed on the Gold and Silver price fixing by the banksters.
This is no longer conspiracy theory. There are many news stories about their rigging and even transcripts of chat sessions where the banksters were laughing as they used naked short selling to breaking stops traders had set and thus force further selling.
And yes, If they fork the code to unlimited I'll still support segwit. Heart felt words boys and what always feels genuine in the bitcoin group 132bitcoin etf denied fullnodes better than gold bitcoin unlimited eat dog world? Serious agency working 4 years studying a way to have bitcoin regulated, got to the conclusion that bitcoin cannot be regulated. Guess that's good news, isn't it? On the subject of running full nodes.
If I want to support segwit, would bitcoin core 0. Stay cool, and keep speaking the truth. This rejection will protect the bitcoin group 132bitcoin etf denied fullnodes better than gold bitcoin unlimited integrity of bitcoin, and the market will shrug this off.
An ETF would have enabled a derivatives market on bitcoin, which could be used to create infinite "paper" bitcoin. This defeats the purpose of bitcoin, and would likely enable suppression and manipulation. See the precious metals market for the paper manipulation game in action. Bitcoin should stay outside of the "regulated" system. Keep stacking my friends. ETF will be approved. It just a matter of time. Maybe it is not the right person the elite want. It will be like paper gold. Thomas is the most PR guy on pepe.
Many people have old mining gear kicking around being un-used because it is not efficent enough to currently use for mining. Will you do your bit by putting out training videos? Right after the fork I greenuser was solo mining what is now called ECT. This ETF denial may be the last vestige of the old, failing Boomer attempt to keep the wheels on the Yugo regime.
As many anticipated, the price of Ethereum did not drop to an attractive, buying level and the price will only rise. Even more ironic—the reasoning of "fraud" behind it??? Just confirms my decision. The real hot stuff starts at 1: Gold is expensive, but bitcoin is cheap??? The SEC knew from the very moment the Winklevoss proposal crossed their desks it was doomed.
Tone should gain some knowledge in how capital is created, expended, and leveraged through Morgan Stanley and Goldman before making any more ridiculous statements about what is manipulated and what isn't. The age of capitalism is now extinct—we only have speculation in a very small percentage of the population.
That guy is so dumb, the one talking about wall street taking out shorts, you take out shorts on the upside, not when the price breaks a down barrier. It's their percent of total hashrate that is down. Their hashrate is up. It's an important distinction. I remember the Bitcoin in the beltway and the porcfest episodes. The precious metals market is manipulated, this is no conspiracy theory: There have been released transcripts from inside the banks exchanging emails to drop paper trades in a timely manner to cause substantial market shorts.
Hey Tone, go to Best Buy and get a new computer already! They offer no money down, and zero interest for a year. If you are going to be a part of video commentary, then upgrade and quit crying about your shitty aSs computer!
Other than that, keep up the good work! Talking people I ask for a help from you that are in the area of bitcoin it costs nothing and super fast if you can register in this link http: Great Video, I subscribed to your channel would you please return the favor and subscribe to my channel?
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