Speed up blockchain download
I just reinstalled SmartCash and I am downloading the blockchain from scratch but it has been downloading for more than 2 days and only advanced 1 week in progress, with 18 weeks left. Can anyone give me a suggestion for how I can make it download faster and does anyone have a link to the proper blockchain? Where did you get this bootstrap from and can anyone vouch for you? I am a SmartCash community member since October and it is with a blind trust that I will follow Proteus advice for this kind of issue.
Thank you, everyone for making me feel safer downloading this file. It will be most helpful. Have a good day.
Hi, I have the same problem with newest version 1. Is there someone who have the complete blockchain available for download that works with version 1. I did not pay full attention to the upgrade guide here https: Imported the content off bootstrap. Now everything is synced and OK. Can we have the latest bootstrap please? Also, can you add a current version to the explorer or the wallet page so everyone, if they choose to do so, can download the latest bootstrap which will help you and will make SmartCash more successful.
The post speed up blockchain download me has the link to the bootstrap. I would then like to take back my first sentence that is a statement and speed up blockchain download that a current bootstrap somewhere that can be downloaded will always be good. Can someone help me? Is there a console command I can use to make it sync like the -fast method with ethereum? SmartCash Blockchain - slow downloading time in speed up blockchain download General.
That way, it will sync faster for me and maybe you. Kind regards, Jason Chappell. Your speed up blockchain download and your link is much appreciated. He is a team member and created the file himself it is fine. How can I make it sync faster, please? Found something for you: To help with your Sync speed up blockchain download, try going to this webpage: