Poloniex eth deposit address
Double check if the URL is correct. There are a lot of phishing sites out there, with similar domain names and different top-level domains like ". Immediately a new wallet is generated and shown on the page. Write the private key under 1. If you loose the private key, you will loose the access to your Ether. Also be sure that there is no keylogger or virus running on your PC! The private key shown here in this example is not the key I use for storage of my Ether.
Do not waste your time with trying it out. I recommend to click the "Hide 0 Balances" checkbox, to see all your assets. Search for ETH the shortcut for Ether eum and click the "Withdraw" link on the right side of the page. Do not mix up Ethereum with Ethereum Classic here! Some input fields become visible now. Important is also the Amount field, where you need to enter the number of Ether you want to transfer.
If you want to transfer all Ether you can simply click the number of Ether on the left side behind "You have Please double check the correctness of your inputs. In case of errors you will loose your coins. Finally click the Withdraw button, if all inputs are correct.
If you have 2FA enabled for your poloniex account, you first need to authorize the withdraw by entering your 2FA code. This step is not shown here. You now receive an email from Poloniex. If you click the link inside the Mail, the following webpage will be opened in your browser and the withdraw will be started. Now wait some minutes until the Poloniex Withdrawal History shows your transfer. Check your myEtherWallet account if the funds have arrived.
Alternatively you can use the etherscan. Thank you very much for taking the time to share this. I have been using exchanges like Poloniex and am now looking to migrate a bit off of them. Imagine a contract takes moves in a TTT game, and implements the following rules: A replayer can force a loss on either side in Classic by selectively withholding one side's moves, and double-playing the other's.
The TTT contract will note an illegal move, and give the win to the other side. Or, a game player can get a guaranteed win without a forfeit -- she will know her opponents moves ahead of time, and can interject new moves of her own that lead to a win. Another way of saying this is that most Ethereum contract calls are not idempotent -- they rely on the blockchain to encapsulate enough state to function.
If your mind is running through some questions about your own multisig wallets or DAOs in which you control funds or are part of an authorization team, it should be. The answers are not pretty. Because contracts can rely on anything , existing balances, output from other contracts outside their control, block hashes, you may be in for a pretty bad time.
Let's imagine you have a list of payout addresses in Classic, and one in the main chain. And let's imagine that the main chain contract continues on merrily, while the Classic one doesn't, because your DAO has decided to use the main chain. Now, let's imagine a large payout is made and approved, perhaps an "upgrade" -- moving all funds to a new version of the contract -- using the following set of steps:.
This is like the TTT vulnerability above; we replace one 'move' with a new one, and the rest of the calls can remain invariant. There are hundreds of possibilities like this, from casino attacks to exchange attacks.
It is going to be insanity, real and true insanity. In my first essay about this, I recommended simultaneously moving your ethereum to different contracts, one per chain. Since writing up my thoughts, I have learned about a proposal by Tjaden Hess -- a 'many universes' contract which could make this a bit easier. The idea of the many universes contract is to create a number of 'slots', each one owned by a different address.
For safety, I would recommend that each of these addresses be generated by a different private key -- in the ideal world, you will put your original wallet's private key on ice, and not use it, except in emergency. When money comes in, the contract checks the most recent blockhash, and uses that to choose a slot, sending all money to that slot. If the blockhashes differ and they will differ post-fork , then the money will be controlled by different addresses in each universe.
This makes replay attacks on cash difficult. Of course, you might end up in the same slot. Especially if you're going to be hand-coding in the addresses, the question of how many slots are needed is worth considering. This is a variant of the birthday problem. That could be a lot of work. Don't send ether out on the Classic chain for any reason unless you want to be replay attacked; first split your ether into new addresses, one per chain.
Then you can enjoy. If you have more difficult circumstances, e.