Michele seven bitcoin mining
This is our first CryptoGoss since September We had an unscheduled hiatus due to my Peter's health issues which resulted in me being unable to speak for more than a couple of minutes without coughing, unconducive to podcast recording. Fortunately, things have taken a turn for the better and we're confident of a strong podcasting season in at Crypto Studios, Blockchain Centre, Level 1, 89 - 91 City Road, Southbank, Victoria, With the benefit of Fran's unique perspective, we discussed: Based in Melbourne, he is a freethinker, transhumanist and libertarian socialist passionate about supporting new value-systems and social institutions.
Grant Lenaarts is a digital entrepreneur and software developer whose main interest is in the evolution of consumer civilization. This episode features an excellent Peter Hitchen's impersonation, a debate on Yanis Varoufakis' critique of digital currencies, and brief primers on political economy, libertarian socialism and the Rojava Revolution.
The Rojava Plan website and bitcoin address: Click here to refresh the feed. This episode, michele seven bitcoin mining look at Steem and how it can apply to learning in schools. We discuss Steem and how Wooranna Park Primary is planning to use the Steem platform for collaborative learning.
School with the author Derek Reith. All music for this is episode was freely provided by www. Paul Ayling tells about his Ant Stand project along with the dramas he experienced trying to set up an Amazon store and how easy, by michele seven bitcoin mining, his experience with https: Find out more about Paul's project at www.
If you'd like to take part in the Blockfreight Token pre-sale, go to https: Note that since this episode was recorded I have participated in the early Blockfreight token sale. Find these and many other pieces at https: In order, we hear: Fran was also able to share some insights on views held at the big end of town that he gathered from the recent Melbourne Blockchain Summit http: We gained some further understandings of what private blockchains might actually turn out to be in practice and how there michele seven bitcoin mining cases where this might make sense, although it was also acknowledged that a lot of corporate activity involving the "B" word might be more spin for appearances than substance on the ground.
Finally, we turned to the topic of "what will the browser for the blockchain michele seven bitcoin mining like" as a basis for speculating about the services and applications that will really mark the crypto revolution for the masses. If email was the killer app for the Internet, what will the killer app for the blockchain be?
Boxing Bears Is My Business by brewmeisterbean https: Peter, Katherine, Scott, and Warwick talk about the latest news within the world of crypto. The new DAO launched and beautifully explained by Scott. Hermits can live in peace. Miami is known for good looking people, so it's no surprise you can get a butt lift with bitcoin in michele seven bitcoin mining glossy city. This Miami money-laundering case may define whether Bitcoin is really money. Dale has left Cryptogoss.
And she is now producing Infinite Imaginarium Here is a snipet of the new show https: Music by Jesse Jnr, https: In this special episode, Scott Phillips, Grant Lenaarts and Peter Robertson discuss the present and future of electronic voting systems with Dr. Vanessa Teague, Senior Lecturer, Dept.
Teague's work has included detailed studies of two instances where electronic voting systems have been used in Australia, and the news isn't always good. It turns out that online voting systems delivering privacy, transparency and verifiable results aren't that easy to create and operate.
What are the problems, can they be solved, and is there a role for the blockchain? Links Dr Vanessa Teague https: Special thanks to JessieJnr, https: Warwick, Scott and Dale take the mics today while Peter recovers from the flu. Craig Wright makes the news again, Scott and Warwick are swinging on the issue "he's part of many" TeamSatoshi "there's a little bit of bitcoin in all of us".
We cover the very basics of the story. VoteFlux get another mention, because we love them We discuss tracking and illegal activity "where does the madness stop? Shoemaker with BrewmeisterBean https: In michele seven bitcoin mining episode we interview Nathan and Max, the founders of Flux, an online voting system and political party, aimed michele seven bitcoin mining disrupting and fixing representative democracy. It's the political party where YOU create the policies. Any issue that people care about will have an avenue to be addressed via Flux.
They have AEC accrediation and are fielding candidates in the upcoming Australian federal election. Take the power back and vote for Flux Electro Swing Builder 2 - mocean They read thru the whitepaper and discuss how this exchange differs from michele seven bitcoin mining centralised crypto currency exchanges.
And other centralised projects like the one that Peter Todd discovered was intending to force miners into collecting personal data, quite sneaky we thought. We also looked at how AI michele seven bitcoin mining joining the battle with the blockchain in a Skry manner. These types of projects aim to not only de-anonymize, but to effectively censor bitcoin transactions. Now this is a game changer and michele seven bitcoin mining be updating the progress as this business unfolds.
In closing off we covered a few things happening at the newly scrubbed up and looking damned cool Technology Center for melbourne's knowledge week. Although a 'celebrity' hasn't quite firmed up his skype in, we're ready for him to feature on the event space wall: Put in your earplugs, relax and enjoy the chat! Shoemaker, Do the Right Thing https: In the Blockchain Imaginarium, Dale and Scott discuss and imagine the future of blockchain technologies. In this, our third episode, we chat with LovelyCorrine about whether the sex industry has parallels with the michele seven bitcoin mining, it is after all a decentralised network based on trust - and agreements.
Can the blockchain learn from this age old industry, or will the this tech provide the sex industry with more than just automated sex robots?? Shove your earbuds in to hear salacious discussion filled with fetishes Electro Swing Builder 2 by mocean99 Know any Melbourne musicians who would like a bit of exposure to a new audience? We're looking for music to use in the show. Hit us up on twitter cryptogoss, drsplot or MADinMelbourne or all three if you're really keen: Warwick, Peter and Dale do their due diligence and get down and dirty with the scams rocking Australia's media this week.
Of course the message got messed up and some people were left thinking that there is indeed somebody who "runs bitcoin". Mainstream just don't get it, so Cryptogoss set them straight! Well, as straight as we could with another acronym wielding usurper claiming to represent the industry and lead bitcoin down Australia's regulatory path.
Gavin and Co have stringent tests for him to pass, will he pass the test, and what will it mean for Bitcoin? This episode michele seven bitcoin mining down to many people are making up stories and running with headlines. Information is a gamble - who can you trust anymore in this proof-less world? Oh, and we touch on those panama papers too In this, our second episode, we discuss the Panama Papers, Flux voteflux.
Electro Swing Builder 2 - mocean99 http: Peter and Dale introduce Scott Philips aka Dr. Splot in this episode to give you more of an idea of who he is and why he's another important asset in MBTC's space.
Julian Smith also joins michele seven bitcoin mining with BitPay's adaptive solution to the block debate. Michele seven bitcoin mining provides evidence for why he thinks this approach makes sense - we're leaving it for you to do your homework and decide michele seven bitcoin mining yourself. Our headlines cover some very basics, RichardBranson has declared Bitcoin is working We are way more excited that one of Australia's Big4 banks has come to their senses and written a decent article on why Bitcoin IS important.
There is a hack of the week this time round, we discuss why crooks socially engineering corruption are giving Bitcoin a bad reputation. Opening with the Shoemaker: The whole point of this imaginarium is for me, Dale, and Dr Splott of Melbourne's Bitcoin Technology Center mbtc to discuss and imagine the future of blockchain technologies. We'll be talking about existing projects and then stretching those ideas out to the universe and back with probabilities that we imagine will rock the world, from Melbourne the supernode of all things crypto.
In this first episode we cover the very basics - what is the blockchain, how does it work? What does ProofOfWork mean? Why is it a trustless system? How does ethereum fit in? Why is it secure? Can this technology be hacked?
We didn't really get to imagine very much at all in the first episode, or talk any of the projects that are already causing headlines even though Dale tried numerous times to SlockIt into the conversation. DrSplot is adamant people comprehend the very very basics, so that we did.
Next ep we'll s t r e t c h the imagination, we promise: Links we spoke about: A rich michele seven bitcoin mining with many questions, we talked about why bitcoin vending machines BTMs are disappearing, and touched on michele seven bitcoin mining of the projects taking their michele seven bitcoin mining. It sounds like letting go of the machines has allowed for some ingenuity to shine through.