Ethereum life staff transmog warcraft
Ashenvale The Chief's Enforcer: But my healing has gone up slightly. Vengeful Gladiator's War Staff: Are you sure you want to delete this answer? Message for Garrosh Orgrimmar Stonesplinter Staff: Alexstrasza's Gift The Eye of Eternity.
But look at the amount of Spirit that I gained. Rod of the Blazing Light:. I picked up a whopping 62 spirit. A quick glance on the tooltip on the side shows that I lose 4 mp5 while casting, but I gain 23 mp5 while not casting. So herein lies the dilemma.
My original intent was to use one staff as my main healing staff and the other one to regenerate mana. Most raiding encounters are endurance based. They depend on how long you can keep your assigned tanks alive instead of how much you can keep them alive for. I lose the nice 4 MP5 while casting with the new staff. I will rarely, if ever, get chances to sit and just regen my mana. No one in my Guild uses Spellsurge at the moment.
But maybe I can influence them to create a Spellsurge mana endurance group. How much healing do I lose? Is the decrease in healing worth the extra longevity? How much mana do I gain back if I were to be innervated? What will benefit my healing the most? What will benefit my raid the most? Everything looked so simple the first time when I compared 81 Healing with Spellsurge.
Any healers out there? Discussion of any kind would help. My name is Matticus and this is my World of Warcraft blog. Here you can read about my thoughts regarding healing as a priest. As a former guild master, I also write about guild and raid related topics.
The blog has expanded to include thoughts from other regular contributors. The aim of this blog is to help you grow and improve. My unending goal is to have something relevant and useful in every post.
Visit the Guildmasters to talk shop with other GMs, raid leaders, and officers. My current guild is on Kel'Thuzad US. Comment by Sirloin This is also useful as a "spirit stick" to use only while innervating, especially with a Spirit enchant. Comment by danton83 As a priest in 2. Comment by Juggernot i think that this staff is one of the BEST holy priest staves there are, because it increases healing by , and that means that it can save a tank's life, not to mention the other things it can do.
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