Ethereum beta phase
We felt it was extremely important to clearly communicate to our users how we felt about the security of the network. The Homestead block will be 1. Homestead is the second major version release of the Ethereum platform, which includes several protocol changes and a networking change that gives us the ability to do further network upgrades: The Go version of Ethereum geth for Homestead will be release 1.
Following the release of Homestead the Go team will also shortly come with the 1. The reason for keeping Homestead and our feature release separate is to keep the Homestead release changes to an absolute minimum, making debugging easier when required. Apart from the protocol and network changes, it also tries to be as compatible to geth as possible.
In the next weeks, we will align key management with geth. For further details, please see the release notes. Over the next couple of weeks, the teams will come together to pave the road for future development on both the Ethereum protocol as well as a roadmap for the clients and sub-protocols such as Swarm and Whisper.
For more information about Ethereum, Homestead and how to operate one of the Ethereum clients, please head over to the Homestead Documentation project and let us together prepare for the next phase of Ethereum.
Congratulations from Russian and Ukraine Etherians. With respect for most bigger russian topic about ETH https: Congratulations from Germany where still just a few people know about Ethereum. You guys will go down to history with this amazing technologie!!! Congratulations to the team on this milestone. Glad to have been part of the community since about this time 2 years ago and to see the individuals and the project evolve.
This is still only the beginning… There is much work to do! I only recently started getting involved with Ethereum and I feel like I was stepping into the light since then. The implications on capital markets, wider financial systems, asset protection, governments, and finally defining a way to bring humanity together as one are immense. Keep up the great work! I am certain this will be a paradigm shift in so many areas of life.
Congrats from Las Vegas! Been watching the hard work from the sidelines — Great work Congrats from Fuzo and its founders. Multiplier your ethereum using smart contract! Hi, I have to update my geth but I can not found the wallet. Please, someone can tell me wich is the file that I have to save before to update?
New ethereum faucet http: The number of new accounts created per day passed , , and the number of nodes has increased despite rising system requirements. Thanks to ninabreznik Solidity Editor , serapath Recorder , ryestew Interface for their active contributions.
We are now focusing on improving the code editor, improving Remixd which is now hardly usable for huge folders and polishing the themes. We continue to work try our best to update remix. As Remix is under heavy development, there are always new features coming in, so feel free to contribute feedback and code. The first goal is to turn the extremely modular code of the new ABI coder into efficient code.
Of course all inline assembly and also the main code generator will benefit from this work in the end. In contrast to the old optimizer, which basically soaked in bytecode into an internal representation and then re-generated the code from scratch, the new optimizer is composed of many small and very simple individual stages that directly operate on the IULIA AST and thus are easily verifiable for correctness.
The second large area of work is the SMT checker component. It is now able to correctly follow branching and joining control flow and also takes conditions into account.
Experimental loop unrolling is the next stage. Apart from that, we are making many tiny changes to the compiler and language and fixing the remaining issues that were identified in the recently completed compiler audit.
I would like to thank the many voluntary external contributors for their hard work individual attributions are made on the release page, as always! We are continuing the efforts to fuzz-test the EVM, and we are also applying fuzz testing to other areas of the Ethereum platform such as the geth networking stack and the solidity pipeline where we are seeing if it can be used for quality assurance of some new IULIA components. We are creating a new signer to enable more advanced use cases where account management is decoupled from the network node.
The idea is to have a what-you-see-is-what-you-sign experience, where the sensitive components can be executed in a separate VM, or on a separate computer or a mobile phone. Also, EthereumJ is finally being added to the group of clients which undergo Hive-testing, and EthereumJS is being added to the group of clients supporting the common shared json output so that it can play along with the others in the Evmlab tools. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. What does "beta" mean?
There are a few differences between beta and non-beta sites in our network: All beta sites have the same temporary placeholder design. Once the site is no longer beta, it will have a unique design built with input from the community. Reputation thresholds for privileges are lower during the beta phase to help ensure community governance early on. In early beta, the Stack Exchange team appoints moderators until the site is large enough to sustain a democratic moderator election. During beta, the community works together to answer seven essential questions for every Stack Exchange site: What should our FAQ contain?
Who should the moderators be?