Ethereum downloading chain structure
One of the most common problems with the Ethereum Wallet application is keeping the blockchain in sync with the Ethereum network. This page describes some of the common issues users may encounter while trying to sync the blockchain and potential methods to work around the problems.
Note that Ethereum Wallet will not display your account balance correctly when it is not synced fully or correctly. Check that your the clock on your computer is close to real time. You may be encountering some problems syncing Ethereum Wallet or Mist to the Mainnet blockchain.
The syncing also slows down between blocks 2, ethereum downloading chain structure 2, due to the state clearing process to remove the 20 million empty accounts created by the network attack. If you have a problem with slow syncing, the easiest way to recover from this slowdown is to remove your blockchain data and restart Ethereum Wallet.
Ethereum Wallet will then perform a fast sync which skips over these attack blocks. Make sure you back up your keystore directory so you don't accidentally delete your account information. It should now start fast syncing the blockchain data. Ethereum downloading chain structure, run geth --syncmode "fast" --cache console and ethereum downloading chain structure start Ethereum Wallet. Refer to Network Ports, Files And Directories for more information on the location of Ethereum software files and directories on your computer.
Compare your logging messages with the following logging messages to determine whethere your node client is fast syncing or normal syncing. And following is the equivalent geth 1. The blocks will sync in batches, and when your blockchain data is up to date, single blocks are received approximately every 14 seconds:.
You can use Parity and start the Parity syncing using the following command line parameter for a reasonably quick sync:. You can access the Parity user interface by navigating in your browser to http: You can use Parity as a back end to Ethereum Wallet. Start Parity with the following command line. Retrieved from " https: Navigation menu Personal tools Ethereum downloading chain structure in.
Ethereum downloading chain structure Read View source View history. This page was last modified on 24 Julyat Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.
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