Blockchain explorer python snakes
Python is a wonderful language for coding graphical interfaces. Thanks to the speed at which working code can be written and the lack of a time-consuming compile cycle, interfaces can be up and running in minutes and usable not blockchain explorer python snakes after that. Couple this with Python's ability to easily link to native libraries, and an excellent environment emerges. This enables you to write applications in Python that look and feel exactly the same as the core GNOME applications, but in a fraction of the time it would take to write in C.
However, there is a drawback to not coding in C. This is a quick task for people who know how the wrapping process works, but it is not automatic, and unless widgets are part of the core GNOME libraries, or at least very useful, they will not be wrapped. The C coders may have to write more complicated code, but they do get all of the new toys first! But it doesn't blockchain explorer python snakes to be that way.
Although the process of wrapping widgets is traditionally an art known only to a select few, it is not really that hard. If you can wrap new widgets as you find them, you can use them in your Python programs right away. If you are using packages, ensure that the development package is installed. By the end of this article, we will have a native Python module called trayiconblockchain explorer python snakes contains a TrayIcon object.
To start, take eggtrayicon. The first step on the route to wrapping this object is to create trayicon. Definition files are written in a Scheme-like language, and although they are easy to produce blockchain explorer python snakes small interfaces, they can be tiresome to write for large interfaces or blockchain explorer python snakes beginners. This tool will parse a header file and generate a rough definitions file.
Blockchain explorer python snakes that as it does not actually parse the C code, but simply uses regular expressions, it does expect traditionally formatted GObjects and may not correctly parse strangely formatted C code. Note that you will have to change the path to point to where h2def. If we now look at the generated definitions file, it should make some sense. This file does not have any obvious mistakes, and we do not want to remove any of the methods or fields, so we do not need to edit it.
Note that this file is not Python-specific and can be used by other language bindings too. Now that we have the interface definition, we can generate the bulk of the Python wrapper.
This involves generating an override file. Override files tell the code generator what headers to include, what the name of the module will be, and so on.
These sections define what headers to include, the name of the module, what Python modules to include, what functions to ignore, and finally any manual wrapping functions.
This is the initial override file for our trayicon module. Now that we have constructed our override file, we can use it to generate the wrapper. Blockchain explorer python snakes gnome-python bindings provide a magic tool to generate the wrapper, which we can use trivially. Add the following to blockchain explorer python snakes makefile:. If we now run make trayicon. As you can see, the wrapping code can look complicated, so we thank the code generator for every line it writes for us. Later we'll learn how to manually wrap individual methods when we want to fine-tune the wrapping, without having to write all of the wrapper ourselves.
Now that the bulk of the wrapper has been created, we blockchain explorer python snakes a way to start it. This involves creating trayiconmodule. This file is boilerplate code similar to the override filewhich we slightly modify. This is the trayiconmodule.
A few subtleties need blockchain explorer python snakes be explained here, as there are multiple sources for the word trayicon. The name of the function inittrayicon and the name the module is initialized as are the real name of the Python module, and thus the name of the final shared object.
As noted, it's best to keep these the same so that coding this file doesn't become very confusing. Despite the potentially confusing source of names, this C code is very straightforward.
It initializes GObject and the trayicon module, and then registers the classes with Python. Now running make trayicon. Well done -- we have built our first native Python module. If it didn't compile and link, double-check the stages and ensure that there were no early warnings causing errors later on.
Now that we have trayicon. A good start is to load it, and then list its members. Run python in a shell to get to the interactive interpreter, and enter the commands below.
Hopefully the result from dir was the same for you as it was here. Now we are ready blockchain explorer python snakes a bigger example! Running the test program should result in "Hello" being displayed in the tray. What else does the notification area allow us to do? Well, programs can tell the notification area to display a message. How this message is actually displayed is implementation specific; at present the GNOME notification area displays a tooltip.
A quick look at the API tells us that it expects a timeout and the message, so this should work:. That, however, is blockchain explorer python snakes little ugly.
This blockchain explorer python snakes Python; programming is meant to be simple. Blockchain explorer python snakes we carry on down this route, we'll end up with C, but without semicolons. Luckily, we can manually wrap individual methods when using the gnome-python code generator. Luckily, this is not too hard. Doing this involves editing trayicon. This is where the name for the file makes sense: This looks a little scary at first, but initially it blockchain explorer python snakes copied from the generated code in trayicon.
In most situations, this is perfectly possible if all you want to do is fine-tune the expected parameters. Simply copy and paste the relevant function from the generated C, add the magic override line, and edit the code until it does what you want. The most important change is to modify the expected parameters. Originally it blockchain explorer python snakes isi: We don't want to have to specify the length of the string in Python code, so we change the isi to is.
If everything has gone to plan, this modified example should have the same behavior, but with clearer code. We have taken blockchain explorer python snakes small but useful C GObject, wrapped it so that it can be used in Python, and even tailored the wrapper to suit our needs.
The techniques here can be applied many times to different objects, allowing you to use any GObject you find in Python. Sign in or register to add and subscribe to comments. Comments Sign in or register to add and subscribe to comments. Subscribe me to comment notifications.
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