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I figure it's just normal occasionnal hardware sounds. When I play Super Mario sunshine the game sometimes freezes and crash I have no idea why. It has only happened times on about 30 hours of gameplay but still.. I wonder if it is just that game, or the cube itselft? The only other game I have played on it is Resident Evil, and after aprox 15 hours of gameplay still no crashes.
Anyone who has the same problems? I have played my Gamecube nearly daily since launch day, and up until yesterday's Waverace: Blue Storm freeze, mine has worked perfectly well. I do know what you mean about loudness when loading.. But then again, it's not really loud..
One thing I am grateful for is: I am glad I have never lost data on my Gamecube Memory Card. I have an official Nintendo brand I don't trust Interact or Madcatz ones. Anyone else out there have horror stories of faulty memory cards??
If so, what kinda game data did you lose?? I've only had one crash on the Gamecube so far and it was during Metroid Prime. I was taking an elevator to the Chozo ruins and it locked up during the cut-scene. Years from now, they may eventually switch to the crystal storage method. This where information is read from inside a crystal using two intersecting lasers.
Preliminary tests show a times larger bandwidth using this technique. I remember babysitting some kids back in the SNES era. Well, I was dumb enough to let them play my copy of NHL '95 unsupervised. Turns out, they erased my whole season. There was literaly nearly man hours of game time involved in those stats. I was soooo angry. This was the worst data-loss in my gaming "career", but it's actually the only time I really have lost any.
Darn those battery back-up games oh, who am I foolin'? I miss those days! This one comes from the NES era. That was really frustrating. My Gamecube still has only crashed that one day. My freind has frequent problems, but those are mostly rental games. Rental games often have scracthed sides to them, because they have moved from house-to-house so much.
I have had a fatal crash on Super Mario sunshine again.. I had 89 sprites and.. First stage on the P. I tried for days and finally I removed the disc directly after the stage was loaded and inserted it when the game told me to do it..
When the shine sprite appeared After that I have not had any crashed at all! I have no idea why this happened. My sms disc is brand new and I always handle them with care. I guess I was very unlucky or something. I got Shines too. I have had 3 crashes in total. The one that sucked the most was Mario Party 4. It froze on me 2 turns away from the end on a three player game! But each time it did, it was still within the refund date, so i would just trade it in for another Gamecube!
I have a had a couple crashes playing with the Zelda Collection. When playing Majora's Mask, it sometimes locks up. There have been no posts in the last 1 days in this forum. Try using the controls below to search for any older posts that may exist.
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