Reddit vote bot script status
Yes, the TV listings mag beloved of aunties across this United Kingdom, and specifically, its website, radiotimes. The netizens appeared to want O'Brien, who had been shortlisted in the poll, which closed at BST last night, to lose and Haran, whose Hello Internet listeners are known as "Tims", to win.
We've asked PollDaddy for comment. Later yesterday the batch-voting bots for Windows and JavaScript were supplanted in complexity by a Linux app that relies on Tor for anonymity. Another character put together a web-based client that'll run on anything, including mobile phones. O'Brien had already been labelled the loser in the run-off in his Wikipedia entry by Tuesday afternoon, hours before the poll closed.
Why this particular bunch of Redditors are tackling the poll is a doctrine of faith, not really explained, and frankly, who cares?
It's not as if Star Trek versus Star Wars is under discussion. The group organising the ballot stuffing don't even have a problem with O'Brien , it seems. Radio Times declined to comment. The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community. Part of Situation Publishing. Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a specific section or set News alerts.
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Sony reports shortage of cute robot puppies! Predictable senility allows boffins to spot recycled NAND chips Waymo van prang, self-driving cars still suck, AI research jobs, and more. Suffice it to say, '. The dot means it is a CSS class name. The CSS selector string you need to use will need to be customized for the site you are downloading from.
The return value of soup. If you want to get the href attribute of the first match, your code will look like this:.
For parsing the URLs of directly-linked imgur images, we need to use regular expressions. Regular expressions are beyond the scope of this article, but Google has a good tutorial on Python regular expressions. Also, regular expressions are great for finding general patterns in text, but for HTML you are always much better off using an HTML-specific pattern matching library such as BeautifulSoup. A string of the URL is passed to the requests.
We'll create a separate downloadImage function for our program to use that takes the url of the image and the filename to use when we save it locally to our computer:. An integer value of indicates success. The only output from our program is a single line telling us the file that it is downloading.
Now that the downloaded image exists in our Python program in the Response object, we need to write it out to a file on the hard drive:. The with statement handles opening and closing the file Effbot has a good tutorial called "Understanding Python's with Statement". This part of the code may be a bit confusing, but just understand that it writes the image information in the Response object to the hard drive. You can also read the full documentation for PRAW.
A user agent is a string of text that identifies what type of web browser or type of software in general is accessing a web site. One of the Reddit API rules is to use a unique value for your user agent, preferably one that references your Reddit username if you have one.
The PRAW module handles throttling the rate of requests you make, so you don't have to worry about that. You can type javascript: Actually, it returns a generator for Submission objects, but you can effectively think of it as a list. We will loop through each of the Submission objects stored in submissions.
At the start of the loop, we will check if the submission is one we should skip. This can be because:. The code for looping through all the submissions and the checks to continue to the next submission is:. If this returned list is not empty that is, it's length is greater than zero then we know that these files already exist on the hard drive and should not be downloaded again.
First we will handle the album downloads. The id for the album is the part of the url right after "http: We will use the album id later in the local filename. The Submission object's url string is passed to requests. We immediately save the text of this download to a variable htmlSource:.
The findall method returns a list of all the matches found in the string it is passed in our case, this is htmlSource. We pass this returned list to frozenset to convert it to the frozen set type, which is essentially a list with only unique values. This will remove any duplicate matches. The returned frozen set is then passed to list to convert it back to a list.
We use the match['href'] string to get the URL of the image, which is then used for the local filename and telling the Requests module what to download on the next couple of lines:. The next type of download will be for directly-linked images. For this type, submission. The imgurUrlPattern regex will be used to grab this part from submission.
For some reason, some of the images on Imgur. We'll need some code to check for this and strip it out of imgurFileanme using slicing:. The third type of download is when the Reddit post links to an Imgur page that contains one image.