Litecoin mining setup windows server 2012
Windows 32 bits Version 2. I will be using coinotron in this guide. Make sure LTC is selected under coin. This can be done with the following command:. To start mining you have to use the following command, I prefer to run it from cmd so I can see any error might it occur.
The number after -t stands for the amount of threads, I advise to set one for each core your cpu has, if it has hyperthreading you can see the virtual cores as normal ones also, there will be a small performance gain. For solo mining, if you have more computers, just follow step 2 and replace the ip This way you can connect a whole network of computers to mine on your wallet.
Here you can see the miner running, it shows the performance per thread, in this case 4 and the total hashrate when your first work is accepted. You should be mining by now! Anything missing or any questions? Leave a comment below. If you want more hashing power the Radeon is currently the most energy efficient card, you can find a lot of them on sale here. When I use the above litecoin. An error occured while setting up the RPC port for listening: An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used.
I just get the error message that I posted. Sorry if this thread is overaged, but I found it via Google. So if anyone else is having this problem:. Installing IPV6 cured it. Maybe you have some software blocking it? This can be due to several reasons: You will have to restart the litecoin client after you modified litecoin. Hey will how did you get it working? I tried adding firewall exceptions for all programs involved, setup the conf file and restarted litecoin, but am still getting the same error you got.
What worked for you? Well, no idea what changed but it is suddenly working now. OK amazing I have it working so what is the connection to my litecoin address? Thanks again i will post up a blog on whatever you are doing! I have been working on getting this working for over a week yeaaaaa. If you are to find a block by mining 50LTC will be added to your wallet.
However the network difficulty is pretty high making solo mining alot harder. It could take you a very long time to actually find one. I already integrated it to my Litecoin GPU mining guide today. When you stop minerd, and restart it, will it continue hashing where it left off? Or will it lose all the hashing it did and start over?
Thanks for this guide it got me up and running. However, while I have been running the statistics page on the coinotron. But the data on the MyAccount portion does not reflect this. Is my contribution to the pool somehow not getting recognized? Or is there a lengthy delay before the information shows up on MyAccount page in coinotron.
I have setup CPU mining using pool ltc. How does one calculate the total hash in minderd? For example if I have 6 threads running and they are all avergaing 3 Khash, do you simply add them up for a total of 18kh? I have one other question. Does it matter how often your work is accepted? If so, is there any way to help get work accepted more often? I am wondering because when reviewing the cmd log I often see new blocks detected before any of my work is accepted, even though each individual cpu thread posts its hash rate and number of hashes often.
The coinotron rate is often off, either way too high or too low. Not sure why that is but overall the average should be the same as what u are seeing.
I added an alternative link: Any suggestions for settings that will yield higher rates? Just make sure you set the amount of threads right, 1 per core and also count Hyperthreading as 1 core extra. I have just finished setting up CPU mining using pool. I have a quick question for you. I have logged into my account at. Is this something I should setup? What happens to all the LTC I earn? How can I transfer them to my wallet if or when I earn coins?
Alternatively you can also download and install the Litecoin client, it gives you an address for your personall wallet so you can store the coins on your computer. Should i be worried? For cpu mining there is not much you can do to improve the hashrate, the most you can do is to make sure you have the right amount of threads set, so not 1 thread for a quadcore cpu but 4. Currently nearly all Litecoin pools are being attacked by DDoS attacks, this causes problems when the miner tries to connect.
It is likely to be related to the recent popularity rise of Litecoin and cryptocurrencies in general. This setting is a requirement from coinotron so I suggest you leave it that way. Not sure where my problem stems from. So it must be something to do with my worker setup? Thank you for this guide, running on an iK, I followed your pooling instructions for coinotron and have shortcuts on the desktop which get the motors running. My LTCmining machine is at about I design with AutoDESK online, and offline for 3D printing and I notice very little lag in getting into those programs and no noticeable lag while in them.
Your hard work in acquiring the knowledge, and then constructing this thread that you share with all of us is greatly appreciated. LTC certainly seems to be the way to go at this time, the recent spike and volatility is quite fascinating. What is your preferred method of purchasing LTC with USD, I understand if you do not want to talk about this, but just a link would be way cool. I plan to be mining, and purchasing LTC on the dips until this CryptoCurrency matures, until it has been produced to its mathematical limits.
I never purchased only mined some and daytrading any but if, then I would do it through Mt. Both reliable exchanges which have been around for a long time. And thanks for the offer, I keep that in mind. Hi Cryptocur, This guide is brilliant, thank you very much for making it!
Just a quick query, when i leave the miner on over night it always seems to close, i never get any error messages i just wake up and minerd. This seems to happen on all 3 cpus i am using. Is this due to the pool crashing or would it be my miner? There might be some connectivity issues overnight, if you remove the -r option it will try to reconnect more often then once. I suppose that will fix your problem. You can change that in the task manager indeed, it wont do much to your hashrate though as low priority will still use all the available cpu power which is not being used.
Setting it higher can slow down your computer. Operation timed out after milli seconds with 0 bytes received [ One question, how long does it take before i can see that my worker is working a pool. Thanks again i will post up a blog on whatever you are doing! I have been working on getting this working for over a week yeaaaaa. If you are to find a block by mining 50LTC will be added to your wallet.
However the network difficulty is pretty high making solo mining alot harder. It could take you a very long time to actually find one. I already integrated it to my Litecoin GPU mining guide today. When you stop minerd, and restart it, will it continue hashing where it left off?
Or will it lose all the hashing it did and start over? Thanks for this guide it got me up and running. However, while I have been running the statistics page on the coinotron. But the data on the MyAccount portion does not reflect this. Is my contribution to the pool somehow not getting recognized? Or is there a lengthy delay before the information shows up on MyAccount page in coinotron. I have setup CPU mining using pool ltc. How does one calculate the total hash in minderd?
For example if I have 6 threads running and they are all avergaing 3 Khash, do you simply add them up for a total of 18kh? I have one other question. Does it matter how often your work is accepted? If so, is there any way to help get work accepted more often? I am wondering because when reviewing the cmd log I often see new blocks detected before any of my work is accepted, even though each individual cpu thread posts its hash rate and number of hashes often.
The coinotron rate is often off, either way too high or too low. Not sure why that is but overall the average should be the same as what u are seeing. I added an alternative link: Any suggestions for settings that will yield higher rates? Just make sure you set the amount of threads right, 1 per core and also count Hyperthreading as 1 core extra. I have just finished setting up CPU mining using pool. I have a quick question for you. I have logged into my account at.
Is this something I should setup? What happens to all the LTC I earn? How can I transfer them to my wallet if or when I earn coins? Alternatively you can also download and install the Litecoin client, it gives you an address for your personall wallet so you can store the coins on your computer. Should i be worried? For cpu mining there is not much you can do to improve the hashrate, the most you can do is to make sure you have the right amount of threads set, so not 1 thread for a quadcore cpu but 4.
Currently nearly all Litecoin pools are being attacked by DDoS attacks, this causes problems when the miner tries to connect. It is likely to be related to the recent popularity rise of Litecoin and cryptocurrencies in general. This setting is a requirement from coinotron so I suggest you leave it that way. Not sure where my problem stems from. So it must be something to do with my worker setup? Thank you for this guide, running on an iK, I followed your pooling instructions for coinotron and have shortcuts on the desktop which get the motors running.
My LTCmining machine is at about I design with AutoDESK online, and offline for 3D printing and I notice very little lag in getting into those programs and no noticeable lag while in them. Your hard work in acquiring the knowledge, and then constructing this thread that you share with all of us is greatly appreciated.
LTC certainly seems to be the way to go at this time, the recent spike and volatility is quite fascinating. What is your preferred method of purchasing LTC with USD, I understand if you do not want to talk about this, but just a link would be way cool. I plan to be mining, and purchasing LTC on the dips until this CryptoCurrency matures, until it has been produced to its mathematical limits.
I never purchased only mined some and daytrading any but if, then I would do it through Mt. Both reliable exchanges which have been around for a long time. And thanks for the offer, I keep that in mind. Hi Cryptocur, This guide is brilliant, thank you very much for making it! Just a quick query, when i leave the miner on over night it always seems to close, i never get any error messages i just wake up and minerd. This seems to happen on all 3 cpus i am using.
Is this due to the pool crashing or would it be my miner? There might be some connectivity issues overnight, if you remove the -r option it will try to reconnect more often then once. I suppose that will fix your problem. You can change that in the task manager indeed, it wont do much to your hashrate though as low priority will still use all the available cpu power which is not being used.
Setting it higher can slow down your computer. Operation timed out after milli seconds with 0 bytes received [ One question, how long does it take before i can see that my worker is working a pool.
I have the same problem as Joe. It says that your credentials are not right which are your username and password. If you cant get it to work you can also try a different pool. Here is an overview of all of them: The error suggests a random password but it doesnt work either.
My default gateway is Unhandled Error Traceback most recent call last: I then insert the first command to get the stratum protocol going and I get this message: Dan, try typing in cd c: Hi there, Avast told me minerd. Great guide you have here. Does this mean the pool is neither accepting nor rejecting any shares from me? It has stayed like this for nearly an hour now and my stats on the pool site is set to 0.
Any fixes or help with this problem? Hi, has anybody a fix to that issue? Would be glad for any advice, thanks. Make sure that you have the folder names matching exactly to what the first command is trying to open. Any idea what could be wrong? Everything has been followed verbatim. Get the windows binary here or here and place it in the same folder; c: The source code is available here for other platforms than windows.
Trying to get it working on Mac with no success. Here you can find some instructions to install it on other platforms including the mac: Thanks for the tutorial, I have got everything running and the proxy running on the mac however I am trying to run the miner. The command to start the mining proxy does not work. The command response deviates from your guide with the following: Unkown algo, only doublesha and scrypt supported. The requested URL returned error: Test the connection to litecoinpool.
This will rule out issues with the miners. Generated coins must mature 25 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours. I saw the alternative software that they were saying to use was Guiminer, tho it was supposedly not recommended at the time.
SO it would be great if someone with a lot of knowlage of the mining process for litecoin or like some pool operators would help us out.