Litecoin 0 confirmations
When you initiate a transaction from another wallet or exchange, sometimes it can litecoin 0 confirmations as if your funds have "disappeared. Exodus may not litecoin 0 confirmations any assets until the transaction has at least one 1 confirmation.
You can see the number of confirmations by looking at the transaction on the exchange or wallet where you initiated it. Look for a "transaction ID. In there, you can find the transaction you just made:. Note the "Pending" status. Clicking on it, we can see that the number of confirmations is zero It can look like your coins "vanished. If you click on the "View transaction" link above, it will take litecoin 0 confirmations to the transaction itself:.
Notice that the confirmation count is still zero 0so to Exodus it can appear that nothing happened. However, Exodus considers the transaction "Confirmed" when it receives at least 1 confirmation.
Then you will have the funds: Sometimes it can take a long time to receive confirmations, depending on network conditions. The above table is an average, and it could be more depending, again, on the network conditions at the time.
I just sent assets from another wallet, but nothing shows up in Exodus. Where are my funds? In there, you can find the transaction you just litecoin 0 confirmations Clicking on it, we can see that the number of confirmations is zero 0: If you click on the "View transaction" link above, it will take you to the transaction itself: Last updated on March 14,