Building a cryptocurrency trading bot 2 programming
No module named 'requests' Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Update the main method with the following changes, and also add the new tick method stub. These methods require an API key because they modify aspects of your account. Demonstrates how to create a simple price checker for any currency ok, its Bitcoin right now, but easy to change.
Hope you found it useful! One thing what could make this tutorial rock the world would be a function example what calls wallet balances. The architecture will be very simple. Still working on this?
This is a C language right? Really informative, thank you. Let's flesh out our advanced algorithm to place buy and sell orders. Still working on this?
Hi tstieffThank you for sharing this info! Your code resolved it brilliantly. I am trying to make it work, but I get no response back. This is written using Python, but you could easily translate it to whatever language you're comfortable with. Begin with a fresh Python file, and the contents from below.
I think with little tweaking you could make it work. Running the program now won't do much. Programming a crypto-trading bot is a great way to start trading algorithmically.
Let's break it down. Programming your first Cryptobot. This post will outline how to program your own simple bot by interfacing with the Bittrex API. I don't know exact details, but Bitfinex API requests are very similar.
I've made my own price bot for steem, it displays the price changed from last, and percent changed. This will be very helpful. It is one of the most informative crypto API tutorials i have come across.
Thanks for sharing this information. If you have any questions feel free to comment below. As you can see, this algorithm is extremely stupid. This bot trades based only on the 24 hour change of a coin. Can we expect any follow up on this article with more updates?
Let's setup our bot to do the same. If you have 2FA enabled, you will need to enter your key before creating it. Most bots run indefinitely until terminated by the operator.
Can this also apply to Poloniex's API? Begin with a fresh Python file, and the contents from below. Demonstrates how to create a simple price checker for any currency ok, its Bitcoin right now, but easy to change.