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Your personal information is never shared with anyone. October in Tips from Goldmoney Members. This may have been covered already. This AM , I finally opened up a holding acct. I have to wait the 15 days for verification. Now here is the issue: Now that I have opened up a holding acct I can no longer find the link to open up my old Goldmoney Bitgold personal acct which contains my gold holdings. Does anybody out there have the solution? Also, how long will they keep the Goldmoney bit gold account open?
My understanding was that at some point the gold would be migrated from the old Goldmoney Bitgold personal acct to the new holding acct or is this an incorrect assumption. Just log in with your email address as usual. Just Login to what? When I type in www. How do you get the goldmoney screen instead of the holdings. Use number for Holding Use email for Personal That should work even if you are on holding.
Retrieved 30 June Retrieved 1 July Retrieved 4 September Retrieved 30 November Retrieved 7 July Returning to the gold standard". A gold standard for bitcoin". Retrieved 6 Jun Retrieved 13 July BitGold co-founder Roy Sebag explains company's philosophy". Retrieved 6 July Retrieved 16 January Digix Royal Mint Gold. Perth Mint cryptocurrency Petro gold. Gold Age Liberty Reserve.
Retrieved from " https: Companies based in Toronto Digital gold currencies Bullion dealers. Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 8 April , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.