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Avis mors meta lab correction bit receive news and publication updates for Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, enter your email address in the box below. This is avis mors meta lab correction bit open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Licensewhich permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The present study emphasizes to reveal the antivenom activity of Aristolochia bracteolata Lam. Merrill, and Leucas aspera S. The aqueous extracts of leaves and roots of the above-mentioned plants and their polyherbal 1: In in vitro antioxidant activities sample extracts showed free radical scavenging effects in dose dependent manner.
Computational drug design and docking studies were carried out to predict the neutralizing principles of type I phospholipase A 2 PLA 2 from Indian common krait venom.
This confirmed that aristolochic acid and leucasin can neutralize type I PLA 2 enzyme. Results suggest that these plants could serve as a source of natural avis mors meta lab correction bit and common antidote for snake bite. However, further studies are needed to identify the lead molecule responsible for antidote activity. Every year snake bites cause innumerable mortalities in India. Recent annual report estimates every year nearly 94, deaths globally and 15, deaths in India due to snake bites [ 1 ].
Snake venoms are heterogeneous mixture of organic and inorganic substances which is mainly used by the snake to immobilizae and to digest the prey. It is also used as a defense mechanism against their natural predators [ 2 ]. Elapidae and Viperidae are two families of species which cause human mortality worldwide [ 4 ]. The Elapidae family contains the cobras and their relative species. All types of vipers come under the family Viperidae.
Snake envenoming causes severe local tissue damage in the victim, such as hemorrhage and myonecrosis [ 2 ]. In cobra bite local necrosis is the most common consequence and approximately half of the victims suffer local tissue necrosis, which is difficult to treat [ 6 ].
Phospholipase A 2 PLA 2neurotoxins, and cardiotoxins are the major classes of cobra venom polypeptides involved in the toxicity and pharmacology of bite [ 7 ]. PLA 2 can be divided into three types based on its chemical structures. Many extensive studies have been done on this enzyme due to its pharmacological and physiopathological effects in living organisms. PLA 2 activity upon cell membranes of avis mors meta lab correction bit tissues suggests an important role of these enzymes in venoms toxicity [ 9 ].
Antiserum, the only remedy for envenomation, may be associated with various reactions such as early anaphylactoid reaction, pyrogenic and late serum sickness, and several other manifestations [ 10 ].
In many cases the mortality of victim happens due to the wrong choice of antiserum because of misidentified snake species by the treating physicians which results in severe life-threatening envenoming to the victim [ 11 ]. In addition antiserum development in animals like horse, goat, sheep, etc. In recent years, because of the costs as well as serious side effects of a number of modern drugs, attention has turned back to medicinal plants as drugs.
The neutralizing activity of plants against snake venom has long been recognized, but scientist paid attention to these medicinal plants only from the last 20 years [ 14 ]. Many Indian medicinal plants have been recommended by the traditional physicians for the treatment of snak ebite [ 15 ].
ABTylophora indica Burm. TIand Leucas aspera S. Labiate LA are the major medicinal plants commonly found in India. AB belongs to the family Aristolochiaceae. Its roots and leaves are used as anthelminthic [ 16 ].
AB is used in traditional medicine as a gastric stimulant and in the treatment of cancer, lung inflammation, and dysentery [ 17 ]. The roots and leaves contain 0. Leaves of LA are used for the treatment of respiratory tract disorders, edema, gastrointestinal disorders, general pain, and also as an antidote to poison.
It plays a major role in Indian traditional medicine to treat psoriasis, chronic skin eruption, and chronic rheumatism [ 19 ]. The present study aims to examine the potential of polyherbal formulation of plant extracts to act as an antidote to neutralize snake venoms and screening of potent active herbal compounds by docking study. Venom concentration was expressed in terms of dry weight. The Aristolochia bracteolata Lam. Labiate LA plants were identified and authenticated with the help of herbarium of S.
Hindu college by Dr. Plants were collected from the foothill of Marunthuvazh malai terminal of western gates Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu and the details where noted in the field notebook according to field and herbarium techniques. The extracts were suspended in distilled water and used for pharmacological experiments. Preliminary phytochemical screening was carried out according to the procedure given by Harborne [ 20 ], which revealed the presence of lipids, carbohydrates, flavonoids, and alkaloids in all the plant extracts.
The animals were acclimatized for one week under laboratory conditions. All the animals were fed with standard diet and water ad libitum. The litter in the cages was removed daily to ensure hygienic condition and maximum comfort for animals.
A mixture A mixture containing avis mors meta lab correction bit. A blank was prepared by addition of ethanol, venom, and CaCl 2 to the ether in same order and was titrated immediately.
The avis mors meta lab correction bit mixture contains 0. The results were expressed as IC 50 or avis mors meta lab correction bit concentration 50 value: The acute toxicity of aqueous extracts of AB, TI, and LA was determined in male albino mice maintained under standard conditions. The animals were fasted overnight prior to the experiment.
Common side effects such as mild diarrhoea, loss of weight, and depression of treated groups of animals were recorded within the 7 days of observation [ 23 ]. For each venom, the lethal toxicity study was maintained under standard conditions and the animals were fasted overnight prior to the experiments. The median lethal toxicity of Vipera russelli and Naja naja venoms was performed by i. The overnight-fasted Swiss albino mice were divided into different treated groups and the venom-neutralizing potency of the aqueous extracts of AB, TI, and LA and polyherbal formulation AB: All the test groups of animals were envenomed with i.
In a single group five rats were used avis mors meta lab correction bit each venom study. The free radical scavenging activity of avis mors meta lab correction bit extracts of AB, TI, and LA was measured in terms of hydrogen donating or radical scavenging ability using the stable radical 2,2-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl DPPH using the method of Avis mors meta lab correction bit et al.
Lower absorbance of the reaction mixture avis mors meta lab correction bit higher free radical scavenging activity. Rutin Ozone, India was used as a standard. The assay was based on the capacity of the aqueous extracts of AB, TI, and LA to inhibit blue formazon formation of scavenging the superoxide radicals generated in riboflavin-light-NBT nitroblue tetrazolium system. This was taken as avis mors meta lab correction bit reading.
L-ascorbic acid was used as a reference control. Decrease in absorbance of the reaction mixture indicated increased superoxide anion scavenging activity. Percentage inhibition was calculated and this activity was expressed as an inhibition concentration 50 IC The upper layer of the avis mors meta lab correction bit 2. Rutin Ozone, India was used as a reference control. Increased absorbance of the reaction mixture indicates increase in reducing power.
All the properties of the compound where calculated for the validation of the ligand structure. The potential binding sites PBS of proteins are those residues or atoms which bind to ligand directly on protein surface and were identified using MetaPocket 2.
In this, pocket sites are represented using the standard PDB file format. All identified pockets are represented as a single probe with ranking score. To make the ranking scores comparable a Z-score is calculated separately for each site in different methods. Only the top most three pocket sites in each method are taken into further consideration.
Probes within a certain distance threshold are grouped together as a cluster. Each cluster is ranked by a Z-scores, which is the sum of the Z-score of the pocket sites in a cluster [ 31 ]. Virtual screening and molecular docking studies are a series method in drug discovery. Most of the molecular docking algorithms assume the protein as rigid avis mors meta lab correction bit which leads to poor correlation of the docking scores. There is no single docking algorithm or scoring function that can correctly predict the binding affinities of ligand in molecular interaction [ 32 ].
For these reason, in this study two docking programs such as LigandFit method in Discovery studio package and Glide were investigated to identify the interaction of ligand molecule in the active region of the protein and to predict the binding affinity between the ligand and the receptor protein molecule [ 33 ].
LigandFit method is an accurate orientation of the ligands into the protein active site region. At first, protein was prepared by removing all the water molecules and heteroatoms. Throughout the docking process the top ten conformations were generated for each ligand after the energy minimization method based on steepest descent method and conjugate gradient method.
Visual inspections of receptor-ligand interaction were selected based on the Jain score for further evaluation [ 35 ]. The ligand which showed good hydrophobic and hydrogen bond interaction with active site I region of the receptor protein showed the possible character for neutralizing the activity of PLA 2 from Bungarus caeruleus venom.
In the case of Glide v4. Hydrogen atoms were added, and the bond orders were assigned after deleting the monomer Avis mors meta lab correction bit as well as water molecules. Assignment of protonation states avis mors meta lab correction bit carried out followed by hydrogen bond optimization for hydroxyl group residues.
The hydrogen atoms were then minimized with the OPLS force field. Grid calculations were performed for the protein residues of the active sites coordinates.
Initially Glide performs a complete systematic search of the conformational, orientational, and positional space of the docked ligand, eliminating unwanted conformations using scoring and followed by energy optimization.
Finally the conformations are further refined via a Monte Carlo sampling of pose conformation. Predicting the binding affinity and rank-ordering ligands in database screens was implemented by modified and expanded version of the ChemScore18 scoring function.
For our avis mors meta lab correction bit, three-dimensional crystal structure of a novel phospholipase A 2 from Indian common krait was used PDB: Solvent molecules were deleted and bond order for crystal ligand and protein were adjusted and minimized up to 0.
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